Tuesday, March 16, 2010

IRS Visits Business For Four Cents

The article can be read HERE, but let me give you the synopsis:

The IRS sent two agents to a car wash demanding payment for delinquent taxes.  The amount of taxes owed came to a whopping four cents (which magically grew to $202.35 in taxes/penalties over a three year period).

I'm sorry, gubbment, but a phone call wouldn't have sufficed?  It's obvious that they are in desperate need to collect every penny (literally) to cover the proposed health care plan.


Woman's Quest To Weigh 1,000 lbs

A New Jersey woman currently tops the scales over 600 pounds... and says that is not enough.  Donna Simpson says her goal is to reach a nice, full-figured, round number of 1,000 pounds.  For the twisted, she displays videos of herself eating at this link (For the record, I have no problem watching car crashes, explosions, etc. but could not bring myself to viewing that link).  She uses a motor scooter to travel because walking more than 20 feet is tiresome.  She downs 12,000 calories per day (the average American eats about 2,000).

Research has proven that 87% of health care costs are attributed to lifestyle choices, rather than "natural selection."  As an American, it is her right to eat as much as she wants.  It is her choice to gorge herself to the point that where she ends and the sofa begins is anyone's guess.  But with that said, it is also her responsibility to pay for the health care needs she is undoubtedly going to have.

It's a shame that, according to Rasmussen, as many as 43% of Americans are for a health care plan that will continue to allow Ms Simpson eat, drink, and be merry... all on taxpayer dollars.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Don't Bring A Knife To A Gunfight

Denying one the right to self-defend, denies him/her their most basic inalienable human right: The RIGHT TO LIVE!  Remember, when seconds count, the police are "only" minutes away!

In Memphis, Tennessee, a man armed with a knife caused chaos as he chased customers at a local Family Dollar.  After chasing customers out of the store, he began chasing cars on the parking lot.  The situation ended when the knife attacker came to the driver's side window one vehicle and and lunged at the driver.  The driver pulled his firearm and shot the attacker multiple times.  The attacker's selfish behavior caused this law-abiding citizen to stop him while protecting his life... and possibly the lives of his daughters.  Understandably, one of his daughters was visibly shaken after witnessing this tragedy.

Live by the knife, die by the gun.


Fla. Woman Dies While Fasting

A 55-year-old woman in central Florida died last month while locked away in her room fasting and praying.  The fast was to last one week but ultimately, it was a month before her family discovered her body.  Her husband, a Pentecostal preacher, wanted to respect her privacy and assumed her lengthy stay was her doing "what God called her to do."

For the record, the cause of death has NOT yet been determined.  Assuming her death came as a result of this practice, can one assume that "fasting" is a dangerous activity?  According to the American Cancer Society, fasting longer than five days can have serious negative impacts on the body.  In fact, it recommends that any fast more than week should be closely monitored and take place at a spa, resort, or a similar facility.  I know many churches that routinely practice monthlong fasts.  I don't know anyone that has passed away or have had serious negative effects to their bodies (that we know of).  Does that make it "safe?"


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Suspect Dies In Home Invasion Gunfight

Denying one the right to self-defend, denies him/her their most basic inalienable human right: The RIGHT TO LIVE!  Remember, when seconds count, the police are "only" minutes away!

Outside, n Houston, a homeowner was forced to defend his life by firing several shots at would be home invaders.  Unfortunately, the homeowner, who has not been identified, was also harmed during the shooting but will recover quickly.  The two criminals burst into his home with guns drawn.  The victim, also armed with a weapon, began exchanging fire.  One of the suspects (an adult) died at the scene.  The juvenile was shot in the foot and taken into custody.

At some point, "takers" will have to realize that being a "worker" is much safer and more respectable.  Until then, always stayed armed, vigilant, and ready.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Stop Living On Our Sidewalks

The estimated number of homeless people in Jacksonville, Florida tops 1500.  During the winter months, hundreds of them line up outside of the city's only homeless shelter with hopes of getting one of the 300 beds.  The others slowly place cardboard or quilts on the ground, and lay down, side by side, on the cold sidewalk just outside the City Rescue Mission.

Lately, police have cracked down on city ordinance regarding trash and obstruction and are forcing the homeless to "remove their trash" (which is in essence, their personal belongings).  Many of the homeless sleep on the sidewalk outside of the mission because it is a "safe zone."  Many of them have been mugged, beaten, and robbed when they stray away from the group.  It's no coincidence that the actions taken by the officers came just days after Mayor Peyton vowed to move the homeless from Laura Street as a part of the city's downtown renovation pledge.

Thoughtlessness by the city leaders?  Or a last resort to a growing problem?  If they really think it's the latter, how is bothering the less fortunate on a daily basis a solution?


Dept of Education To Buy 27 Shotguns

It takes a lot to have me at a loss of words.  You can thank the Department of Education for finding a way to shut me up.

I can see the need for them though:

Kindergartener: Mrs Smith, I don't feel like taking a nap right now.

Mrs Smith pumps the handle on her Remington 12 guage.

Kindergartner: "Zzzzzzzz."

On the bright side, this would certainly be an improvement over the "No Child Left Behind" program.


NYC Legislature Wants Your Salt Shaker

Felix Ortiz, Democratic Assemblyman from New York, believes that the government needs to help you decide when to pass the salt.  He introduced a bill that reads, "No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises."  Yet another reason why I believe New York (city and state) is the armpit of American politics (Chicago is another smelly body part.

Any food/drink taken in excess can be bad for one's health.  What's next?  Will lawmakers limit the amount of WATER we are allowed to drink daily?  Where does this type of gubbment control end, folks?


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Crude Comments=Bad; 7 Kids, 6 Mothers, 5 States=Good

Let me get this straight.  Rush Limbaugh, who's made a career of flammable comments, was essentially kicked off a group to purchase the Rams after pressure from the NFL commissioner and the president of the Players Union because he's seen as divisive.  The argument was that controversial members of the NFL, do not represent the NFL.  So, since when did fathering seven children by six mothers in five states become a non-trivial act?  Recently acquired New York Jets cornerback, Antonio Cromartie, has done just that.  Apparently his ball skills are superior off the field as well.  What's interesting about this is that the New York Jets (in brokering his new deal), fronted him $500K to assist him with his overdue child support payments so that it wouldn't become a distraction.  I suppose having enough kids to have a basketball team (plus two reserves) calling you "daddy" can't be a distraction at all.

Dude, you have officially entered Shawn Kemp and Travis Henry territory.  Get is snipped and clipped, brother.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jihad Jane Looks Like My Neighbors

What do you do when your enemy looks like you, talks like you, and can infiltrate virtually any business or organization withing your borders?

Meet "Jihad Jane."  You read that correctly.  This isn't a soccer mom.  This isn't a white supremacist.  She's a recent convert to the radical side of Islam who is every "let's just strip search every Muslim looking..." person's worst nightmare.  She's being charged by federal authorities in a plot to kill on foreign soil, to provide material support to terrorists, and identity theft just to name a few.  She is accused of using her MySpace account to recruit others to her cause of helping "desperate" Muslim people and she even stated that she wanted to become a martyr.

So much for only checking people that "look Middle-Eastern" at the airports.


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