Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lil Wayne is a CHUMP

Normally, I would write in support for someone who is going to jail for gun charge.  After all, states/cities writing their own laws to deny the basic right to self defense is laughable.  But in this instance, I simply want to "LOL" at the defendant.  Dwayne Michael Carter (aka, Lil Wayne) was sentenced to one year in jail yesterday.  Instead of serving his time at Rikers like a "man", Dwayne has requested that he serve his time in protective custody and be given special medical attention due to his massive dental problems.  Let's start with the first.  Dwayne, you say you're a member of the Bloods gang.  You "soowoop" (A "Blood" call sign) on your raps.  You're tatted up as if you've really done dirt and put in hard time.  In one of your songs, you say:
"Hold On To Your Surf Board When The Gat Wave.
Homie, You Can Be Deleted Like Backspace.
I'm Coming Threw Like A Fax Page.
I'm Just A Gorilla In A Unlatched Cage"
(Please note, these are his lyrics and his spelling... not mine).

Dwayne, you spoke this into existence.  Finally there's some truth to your raps.  You will be a gorilla in a cage.  A 5'6", 135-150 lb gorilla.  A gorilla who wears skinny jeans.  Stop hiding behind your money.  If Bernie Madoff (who' never claimed to be a thug), can serve his life sentence in prison without preconditions, SURELY you can handle Rikers for 8-12 months!  Practice what you preach, "gangsta."


1 comment:

  1. Hilarious...but true!!

    Might I add...when did he start worrying about his teeth...it was always a grill this and a grill that...white teeth?? Who does that...in Cash Money lineup??


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