Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Called Punishment For A Reason

"At 678, California has the nation's largest death row population, yet the state has not executed anyone in four years."  That sentence alone helps to explain why California faces the massive deficit that it has.  Why is the state refusing to punish people that have been found guilty of heinous crimes by a jury and sentenced by a judge?  Some inmates have even been on death row since the 1970's!  Hey, Governor Awnold!  You would have less crowded prisons if you would just rid the system of the 678 pieces of waste you have there now.

Stop with the stalling.  Fix the appeals process.  Put a timetable on all of it.  If a man/woman is unable to prove his/her innocence within 10 years of conviction/sentencing, why should we continue to pay millions for his/her food, care, and well-being?


Sleeping Outside For The Homeless

I love discussing politics, crime, punishment, and self-defense.  However, my mom often reminds me that there are good stories to be shared with my audience and that I shouldn't always focus on the negative people in our society.

So mom, I think this would make you proud.  Enjoy!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Attention NFL - Do NOT Listen to the Good Ole "Rev"

When the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson give their two cents to an issue, my first instinct is to join the opposition.  Rush Limbaugh is making a bid to become a minority owner in my hometown team, the St. Louis Rams.  Click here for the story.

Jackson said in a telephone interview that Limbaugh had made his wealth "appealing to the fears of whites" with an unending line of insults against blacks and other minorities.  "The National Football League has set high standards for racial justice and inclusion," Jackson said. "He should not have the privilege of owning an NFL franchise -- and it is a privilege."

Pride or Prejudiced?

The article's title was simple enough.  It reads, "2009 Black Expo Draws Big Crowd."  In two paragraphs (and five sentences total), the writer summarized the purpose of the three day event.  Unfortunately, it's not the article that gave me reason to pause, but rather comments by readers below the story.

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