Monday, October 12, 2009

Pride or Prejudiced?

The article's title was simple enough.  It reads, "2009 Black Expo Draws Big Crowd."  In two paragraphs (and five sentences total), the writer summarized the purpose of the three day event.  Unfortunately, it's not the article that gave me reason to pause, but rather comments by readers below the story.

The following comments (in bullet form) were taken directly from the website without any changes or corrections and they are all attached to different user names.  Brace yourselves:

  • "So...when is Winn Dixie going to sponsor the White Expo? 
  • Whites are not allowed to be "PROUD" because that would be racist. Imagine the headlines if there was a white expo, bet you would call it a racist event but when its the black expo its just being "PROUD".
  • You said this in one of your other comments below "One day we will all come together as American's.." 
  • So if you believe that then why call this the "Black" expo, why not the health expo or community expo? If you want us all to be together then why do the blacks keep drawing the racial lines? 
  • Mmmf! If I remember correctly, it was "black" capturing "black" and sold them to the English! Maybe it's about time the "black" population looked at "the truth", instead of continuing to feel sorry for itself and continuing to "want something for nothing"! "Reperation"? Maybe you should talk to some Irish, Chinese and Italian's about the way they were treated when they first got to this country. It's about time you "man up" and move the fk on! This is my "opinion"! 
  • Here were some of the main attractions:
         1) "The history of crack and how the CIA used it to destroy the Black Man."
         2) "The history of malt liquor and how the CIA used it to destroy the Black Man."
         3) "The history of grape juice and how the CIA laced it with crack to make it addictive in order to destroy the Black Man."
4) "Black on Black violence and how the CIA is using it to destroy the Black Man."
         5) "High School. How the CIA convinces people it is necessary and how you can fight back by not finishing."
  • I rarely comment on racial things since I am a white southerner so obviously I am the cause of all the problems in the world. But this expo is racism plain and simple. I was doing family geneology with my kids and I don't know much of my tradition other than Scottish (I think) the point is that I am American. Not Scottish American. I am American. As soon as "African Americans" can cut the BS and just think of themselves as Americans the world will be a better place. "Don't' go around thinking the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." -Mark Twain (I'm sorry he was a white man so he must be evil). 
  • If we had a white expo we would be racist, if we had a white Miss America pagent we would be racist, if we had a wet ( WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TV ) we would be racist, all white college = racist, you can say whitey, cracker, honkie, caveman, try and say the n word you're a racist, you celebrate black history month, if we celebrated white history month we would be racist, the list goes on and on. To get back on to the Miss America contest, Blacks are aloud , in the Miss Black america contest, you got it, whites, are not. NOW HERE IS THE QUESTION...WHO IS THE RACIST NOW. I agree with ya bettyboop2 NO COLOR INVOLVED""
Will someone explain to me how a story so innocent could turn into such a heated debate?  While I didn't agree completely with his comments, Jimmy Carter was not completely wrong in his recent statement regarding race in the United States.  As you can see, some people get NASTY when it comes to this hot button issue.  The purpose for the "Black" Expo was not, nor will it ever be to segregate but to showcase black business owners and businesses.  The "Black" Expo gives black business owners who normally do not have the means/ability to showcase their goods and services be allowed the opportunity to do so... typically at a MUCH lower cost than a non-black expo.  Please forgive these business owners for attempting to advertise within their budgets!

For the record, there is a big difference between HATE and PRIDE.  From St. Patrick's Day, to Jewish Bar Mitzvahs,  to Greek festivals, every sub-culture in the United States has ways of expressing the pride they have in their background.  Having pride in ones heritage should NOT be painted with the same brush as those who assimilate with groups whose sole purpose is to express their HATRED towards other groups different from them.

In a twist of the words uttered by Rodney King... Will we EVER be able to get along?



  1. I absolutely hate getting into the race debate. Especially since I live on both sides of the fence with a black father and white mother. That being said, I do think it was a bit overboard for the writer to go off into a whole other realm with his comments. Of course there are going to be those at Black Expos peddlin their Black Pride t-shirts and such, but just as you (Colin) mentioned, Black Expos are meant to be a place for black business people to cost effectively reach an audience that they don't always have access to. I see nothing wrong with that. Also has anyone seen a vendor contract for these events that says "No whites allowed"? I understand given the name "Black Expo" one would assume that it's not the place for white folks, but I'm curious to know if this is explicitly expressed. I would think that if it doesn't say that in the contract it would be up to white people to step out of their comfort zone and set up their own booth. I doubt seriously anyone would walk up to them with a Malcom X t-shirt screamin "Step off cracker!"...okay so maybe some random crazy would, but I'm also sure there are enough professional black people in attendance to abade this kind of behavior. This is just how I see it ya know.

  2. For the record, this event had booths that were manned by people of ALL races (including Caucasians) and attendees included every race. The readers of the original article obviously did not attend the event and had ZERO reference points for their hate-filled comments.

  3. "If we celebrated white history month we would be racist" Did he really make that, did he really call off a list of things that "if" they do they would be considered racist? Wow...unfortunately, I don't believe this will end. What I do believe is that if you are going to comment on should do your homework first. Those comments displayed pure ignorance and a build up of anger just because of the word "black". Thanks for sharing, Colin!


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