Saturday, September 19, 2009

Teacher, do you believe in me?

Remember the name, Dalton Sherman. At 11 years old, he was the KEYNOTE SPEAKER for the teachers in the Dallas school district as a part of their back to school meetings. He's doing what is considered the biggest fear for many adults... at age 11... in front of 17K+ people!!!

In short, he reminds teachers (and really every parent, adult, etc.), that children are able to succeed in life... with their help. We know that some of the kids can be frustrating to deal with.  We understand that you put in a LOT of hours, deal with a load of crap, and don't always get the credit you deserve. But don't give up. Don't stop believing in your kids. After all, teachers spend more time with them during the week than their own parents get to!

The story behind Dalton involves a teacher not giving up on him (at the old age of nine years old). Dalton LOVED to talk. He was very disruptive and talkative in class. Instead of giving up on him... his teacher suggested he get involved in his community by giving little talks and speeches. She even made it a part of his homework. This is just one example of what NOT giving up can do for your kids!

Feel free to click the share button above to share with teachers (or other parents). Enjoy!


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