Friday, January 29, 2010

Chris Matthews "Forgot He Was Black"

Chris Matthews loves for Obama.  At times, he seems to almost lust after the president... especially after a speech.

But Matthews' remarks about the president after the State of the Union Address did not get the reaction Chris intended.
 "He is post-racial, by all appearances.  I forgot he was black tonight for an hour. You know, he's gone a long way to become a leader of this country, and past so much history, in just a year or two. I mean, it's something we don't even think about."
Clearly, Chris, his race is something you think about a lot.  Let me ask this: why is his race considered a handicap?  Chris, here is what many of us heard you say: "Wow.  He speaks so well.  His grammar is perfect.  I'm so impressed that President Obama doesn't use Negro dialect."

In a way, this is almost as bad as Harry Reid's choice of words! He may as well have said, "You know, for the other 364 days and 23 hours, I am very aware the president is black."  Chris, it's perfectly okay to view the president as black (or bi-racial).  Last time I checked, being black wasn't supposed to be a bad thing.


CBS May Air Gay Dating Ad During Super Bowl

There has been a backlash this week from critics over the airing of a Focus on The Family ad featuring former Heisman Trophy winner, Tim Tebow.  CBS agreed to air the un-seen, yet controversial, 30 second time slot during this year's Super Bowl.  Proponents for the ad argue that one 30 second ad, during a game that will feature hundreds of other advertisements isn't that big of a deal.

With rumors that CBS is considering airing an ad for a gay dating site for men, I wonder if both sides will begin to sing a different song when it's all said and done.

Sit back, grab your popcorn, and enjoy the hypocrisy!


White House Asks To Have Trial Moved

Congratulations, Mr. President!  Sources say that the White House has asked the Justice department to seek new locations for the 9/11 hijacker suspect's, KSM's, trial.  This comes just one day after Mayor Bloomberg, one of the president's biggest supporters, called for the trial to be moved.  By holding this trial in regular court, there are numerous safety concerns, and the cost to the city of New York is growing rapidly.  This trial can reasonably be held in other cities and be far less expensive.

That's a huge win for proponents of the civil trial.  The next step?  Let's hold a military tribunal.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Suspected Robber Shot 5-6 Times

Denying one the right to self-defend, denies him/her their most basic inalienable human right: The RIGHT TO LIVE!  Remember, when seconds count, the police are "only" minutes away!

A robbery suspect was shot and killed by his intended victim outside an East Atlanta Village bar.  Atlanta police identified the slain man as Jamarcus Usher, 29, of the Decatur area.  The man who opened fire in self defense is a 28-year-old who works in the airline industry and lives in a northern suburb of Atlanta.  That night, the intended victim and his female companion made their way to the popular East Atlanta Village, known for its trendy bars and eateries.  When they left a bar around 11:15 p.m., the man gave his date the keys to his Ford Ranger pickup truck so she could drive.  Inside the vehicle, the woman was adjusting the driver’s seat and mirrors when the man looked over his shoulder and saw Jamarcus Usher standing at his passenger window.  Believing the man was going to beg for money, the passenger rolled down his window a few inches.  He asked the stranger what he wanted, and noticed Usher reaching for his waistband or pocket.  Instinctively, the passenger shoved open his door, knocking the suspected robber back a few feet.  The man got out of the truck and Usher raised a weapon at him.  When the intended victim saw that, he opened fire hitting the suspected robber five or six times, in the stomach and chest.  The robber did not fire any shots.

The intended victim told the police that he "fired until the guy was no longer a threat to him.”  Thanks to your bravery, this menace will no longer be a threat to others in our society either.


Study: Spanked Children Do Better As Adults

A UK study was conducted which determined that young children spanked by their parents may grow up to be happier and more successful than those who have never been hit.

According to the research, children spanked up to the age of 6 were likely to perform better at school and were more likely to carry out volunteer work and to want to go to college than their peers who had never been physically disciplined.  It also showed that children who continued to be spanked into adolescence showed clear behavioral problems.

Naturally, the "We will not raise your kids but we will tell you what is best for them" groups in the UK have tried several times to have physical chastisement by parents outlawed.  However, Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Michigan, said her study showed there was insufficient evidence to deny parents the freedom to choose how they discipline their children.  “The claims made for not spanking children fail to hold up. They are not consistent with the data,” said Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Michigan“I think of spanking as a dangerous tool, but there are times when there is a job big enough for a dangerous tool.  You just don’t use it for all your jobs.”

That is the BEST analogy to justify a whooping if I've ever heard one!


Child Gets Surgery On Wrong Body Part

Do you know anyone in Orange County, CA?  If they have a child that needs care, you may want to recommend they do NOT visit Children's Hospital.  A child received surgery on the wrong body part but a hospital statement claims no permanent harm was done.  That's laughable.  Are we supposed be reassured when they performed a surgery on the wrong body part in the first place?

The most terrifying part is this is actually the of third surgical mistake Children's Hospital in four years.  In 2006, a surgeon cut into the wrong side of the skull during brain surgery. In 2007, tubes were inserted into both of a child's ears instead of one.  And just last week, a surgeon was supposed to loosen a fold of tissue behind the child's upper lip but instead loosened tissue under the tongue.  In all cases, the mistakes were corrected and the children sent home.


Another SC Politician Strikes Again

If you are a South Carolina tax-paying and voting resident, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself right now.  To say this has been a bad year for elected officials there is an understatement.  First, your state governor cheated on wife with a woman in Argentina.  Then, Congressman Joe Wilson delivered the now infamous, "You lie," during President Obama's health care speech.  And the latest incident involves Leuitenant Governor, Andre Bauer (video below).  I am sure you have heard one portion of his comments.  PLEASE watch this 3 minute video with his FULL audio comments before sharing your opinion.

Watched it?  Good!  Surprisingly, there are moments of wisdom in the audio he enlightened us with his ignorance by comparing stray dogs to people who don't want to do better for themselves.  So why do the talking heads on television only show 30 seconds of his 2:47 rant?  Why haven't they allowed YOU the opportunity too hear the underlying arguments of his speech?  For example:

"For the first time in the history of this country, we got more people voting... than we do working for a living."  Assuming those numbers are true, that is a disturbing statistic.  But there could be reasonable explanations to it.  The elderly are living longer.  The baby boomers are just hitting retirement age.  We have 10+% unemployment nationwide.  But the fact that a small shift in demographics pushed us over that hurdle seems unreal.

"Anytime we give someone money we reward them, we tell them keep doing what you are doing.  We discourage them from...from opening that business."  There are people that receive aid that have zero intention of doing better for themselves.  They are "lifers" inthe government system.  But there are many others who would probably look to improve their situation if they were encouraged or rewarded for rejecting government support.  Believe it or not, the assistance programs we have attempt to do this (on a small scale).  But, there has to be more that can be done to help motivate them.

 "If you receive goods or services from the government, then you owe something back... there are no repercussions.  We don't make you take a drug test.  We ought to."  Will this apply to anyone that receives any aid (i.e. unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)?  Again, some assistance is not a problem.  EVERYONE needs something at some point.  But there should be repercussions to those that abuse the system!!!

"(Students who receive) free and reduced lunch have the lowest test scores in the state of South Carolina... schools that have the active participation in parents... they have the highest test scores... if you don't attend the parent teacher meetings, then bam, you lose your benefits.  We can't afford to keep giving money away."  It is his assumption that parents whose children receive the free/reduced lunches are also the least involved in their child's educational growth.  He believes there is a direct correlation between them and that none of the educational programs we have can help these children without the parental support.  While yes, they may be less involved because they are working two low paying jobs and that schedule doesn't allow them the opportunity to attend PTA meetings, parent/teacher conferences, etc.  But as the son of a single mother, who worked full-time, attended night school, and was in the Air Force Reserves, those excuses don't work for me.  Any parent that truly cares about their child will be sure to be involved... like my mother was.

Andre Bauer should NOT have compared people to animals.  Any decent human being will have some level of compassion towards those that have little to nothing.  The media focused on the 30 second clip and not the text in context causing some of us to miss the big picture: Compassion should not be endless if a person can do better yet simply chooses not to!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Jacksonville Teacher Robbed At Gunpoint

If you were a savage, low-life, felonous dog, which sign would make you a little more cautious or even deter you from stalking your prey?



An elementary teacher was robbed by gunpoint as she unlocked her classroom door in the early morning.  Thankfully, the only thing this monster wanted was her purse and not her life or her body.  It's unfortunate that if he wanted to do her more harm, she would have been even more defenseless.  Oh, that's right!  That little sign outside would have stopped him from walking onto school property with a weapon.


Would Be Robber Shot Dead In Ft Myers

Denying one the right to self-defend, denies him/her their most basic inalienable human right: The RIGHT TO LIVE!  Remember, when seconds count, the police are "only" minutes away!

I know you didn't want to do it, Darrick Crawford, but you had to.  We're hoping you pull through and never have to make that horrible decision ever again.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Saudi Girl Gets 90 Lashes

I am probably one of the biggest non-Muslim proponents of Muslims and Islam.  But as with many religions, there are a few things I do NOT understand.  In Saudi Arabia, a teenage girl was sentenced to two months in jail and 90 (yes, NINETY) lashes as punishment for bringing a camera phone to school.  A few years ago, 16 teenagers received 300-500 lashes for being aggressive with a teacher.  I suppose public floggings are better than punishments received for stealing, but it seems rather barbaric to me.

The United States fights for justice, democracy, and equal rights for all... when it's convenient or politically inspired.  Why does Saudi Arabia remain one of our major allies despite the fact that the majority of the 9/11 terrorists hailed from Saudi?

President Bush holding hands with a Saudi prince in 2003.

President Obama bowing before a Saudi king in 2009.
That's right... they are our "friends."


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Female Bobsledder Splits Her Spandex

No jokes about this poor Olympian.  Let’s just put this BEHIND us and END the puns.   No more wiseCRACKS.  Let’s turn the other CHEEK.  After all, we don’t want karma to REAR its ugly head!  BUMMER, we’ve hit rock BOTTOM with all this joking.  Then again, bobsledders can take the abuse.  BUT(T) lesser athletes would not be able to take this punhsiment.  Or am I just over ANALyzing all of this?


All White Basketball League

The purpose of HBCU's and other minority targeted programs and organizations was/is to afford minorities the opportunity to be part of something where being black wasn't a liability and where blacks are accepted.  The schools, as an example, simply wanted its students to get a quality education at a time when many schools denied blacks entrance into their institutions.  The practice of regular institutions of higher learning turning away minority candidates solely because of skin color lasted through the 1970's.  Organizations like this were created out of necessity, not to create a racial divide.  And contrary to popular belief, none of those organizations denied entry to whites. 

Don Lewis (click HERE for the article) is starting a basketball "league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like" as opposed to "that streetball which people of color play."  I guess someone forgot to pass that "fundamental basketball" memo on to Steve Nash, Jason Williams, J.J. Redick, Mike Dunleavy, etc.

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