Friday, January 29, 2010

Chris Matthews "Forgot He Was Black"

Chris Matthews loves for Obama.  At times, he seems to almost lust after the president... especially after a speech.

But Matthews' remarks about the president after the State of the Union Address did not get the reaction Chris intended.
 "He is post-racial, by all appearances.  I forgot he was black tonight for an hour. You know, he's gone a long way to become a leader of this country, and past so much history, in just a year or two. I mean, it's something we don't even think about."
Clearly, Chris, his race is something you think about a lot.  Let me ask this: why is his race considered a handicap?  Chris, here is what many of us heard you say: "Wow.  He speaks so well.  His grammar is perfect.  I'm so impressed that President Obama doesn't use Negro dialect."

In a way, this is almost as bad as Harry Reid's choice of words! He may as well have said, "You know, for the other 364 days and 23 hours, I am very aware the president is black."  Chris, it's perfectly okay to view the president as black (or bi-racial).  Last time I checked, being black wasn't supposed to be a bad thing.


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