Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Suspected Robber Shot 5-6 Times

Denying one the right to self-defend, denies him/her their most basic inalienable human right: The RIGHT TO LIVE!  Remember, when seconds count, the police are "only" minutes away!

A robbery suspect was shot and killed by his intended victim outside an East Atlanta Village bar.  Atlanta police identified the slain man as Jamarcus Usher, 29, of the Decatur area.  The man who opened fire in self defense is a 28-year-old who works in the airline industry and lives in a northern suburb of Atlanta.  That night, the intended victim and his female companion made their way to the popular East Atlanta Village, known for its trendy bars and eateries.  When they left a bar around 11:15 p.m., the man gave his date the keys to his Ford Ranger pickup truck so she could drive.  Inside the vehicle, the woman was adjusting the driver’s seat and mirrors when the man looked over his shoulder and saw Jamarcus Usher standing at his passenger window.  Believing the man was going to beg for money, the passenger rolled down his window a few inches.  He asked the stranger what he wanted, and noticed Usher reaching for his waistband or pocket.  Instinctively, the passenger shoved open his door, knocking the suspected robber back a few feet.  The man got out of the truck and Usher raised a weapon at him.  When the intended victim saw that, he opened fire hitting the suspected robber five or six times, in the stomach and chest.  The robber did not fire any shots.

The intended victim told the police that he "fired until the guy was no longer a threat to him.”  Thanks to your bravery, this menace will no longer be a threat to others in our society either.


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